Premium Honey Produce

Business Cards Launceston

Premium Honey Produce is crafted by bees and harvested by proud beekeepers in Tasmania. Our team created the logo identity and brand that reflects ‘this liquid gold brings the spirit of heaven closer’. This included the business cards which reflect this passion for honey.

We make it personal in discovering what makes your business tick, it is more than just designing a logo. At Flying Colours Group, our graphic designers know your brand is your company’s most valued asset. Creating a brand is essential to your business’s success. We look forward to helping you with your brand identity and getting your brand seen with our larger range of services available.

What makes us different? We are experts in printing and signage, and can help you get from start to finish with one stop. Get in touch with us today to discover how we can help with your businesses design.

Business Cards

To see more on Premium Honey Produce, check out the full case study here.

At Flying Colours Group, we get a kick out of working with our clients to design creative solutions that set your business apart. From print & signage to design, we like to know what bubbles beneath the surface to make your business tick so that we can bring it to life. Providing tailored, personalised service and excellent communication is our jam because we know this equals the perfect finished product, every time.

It’s our goal at Flying Colours to not only exceed your expectations but sprinkle them with confetti and knock them out of the park. So, if your current look needs a shake-up or you’re in need of some simple (or not-so-simple) signage Tasmania or printing, then hey! Let’s chat.

Find out more about what we do, or follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn for weekly updates.